Despite what many think, personal injury attorneys do not enjoy seeing the results of a car accident. We understand that they are traumatic experiences for most people and can lead to life-threatening injuries or death. The most common reason for seeking personal injury attorneys, however is whiplash. Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries sustained by Americans, with over 120,000 cases reported yearly. Whiplash is caused by the abrupt halt of forward motion, causing the neck and shoulders to swing back and forth quickly. This is most common with the sudden stop that occurs during a collision. The effects on the muscles of the neck, back and chest can be minor to severe, and last weeks and even months. In fact, millions are spent each year in the treatment of this condition. We would much rather help to prevent this condition than seek compensation for it.
Whiplash prevention or severity reduction involves using the built-in safety mechanisms of your own vehicle. When used properly, the head restraints will decrease the motion of the head and neck and reduce injuries. According to Whiplash Prevention, studies have shown that those vehicles who put superior design into head restraints are capable of reducing injuries from a rear impact by 24% to 44%. That means purchasing vehicles that have better safety features and using those features properly. Heaving head restraints that are too far from the head or even too low provides little to no protection. Moreover, if you have been hit the best thing that can be done for your health is to wait for first responders. Moving too soon after an accident can worsen injuries that have already been sustained.
We want you to be safe on the road and hope that you have the type of vehicle which can keep you safer in the event of an accident. However, if you have been hit in a car accident, it is important to remember that you should see a physician immediately and contact an attorney just to be safe. Whiplash can last months and even cause nerve damage that can affect your limbs and movement.